I found my dress, finally! a week before prom and shit. I guess you can consider it a “prom” type dress but whatever. I think its herra cute n prom material so I got it. I also got a cute headband to go with it. Now i need to figureout what to do with makeup, hair? Rachel said she’d do my hair but idk if she still is.. but hopefully. =) i’m also planning to dye my hair blonde like i had it before, so prolly this weekend, i’ll ask lyka to dye it for me. i still need to shop for shoes n a strapless bra. prom is approx 10 days! so i’m herrra excited! =) watch out bitches! i’ma roll up to prom in all black =)
P.S Rachel baby lemme know if u can still do my hurrr n shit. lemme know like a day before prom. kk ilove u babes.